Keliyuan Power Supply and Home Appliances Products ngajadikeun penampilan anu saé dina Pameran Canton ka-134 ti 15 Oktober nepi ka 19 Oktober 2013.
Keliyuan, panyadia sareng produsén solusi catu daya sareng alat bumi, nunjukkeun produk-produk anu rupa-rupa sareng téknologi manufaktur inovatif dina Pameran Kanton anu ka-134. Acara anu diayakeun di Guangzhou, Cina, narik rupa-rupa sémah internasional, seueur anu katarik ku produk unik sareng éstétika desain anu unggul.
Pameran Canton, ogé katelah Pameran Impor sareng Ékspor Cina, katelah salah sahiji acara dagang anu paling penting di dunya. Platform ieu nyayogikeun kasempetan anu saé pikeun Keliyuan pikeun nunjukkeun kamampuanna dina nyayogikeun solusi listrik sareng alat bumi anu kualitas luhur ka pamiarsa global. Booth Keliyuan dina pameran éta narik seueur palanggan asing. Keliyuan boga rupa-rupa produk kakuatan kayaning strips kakuatan, sockets estension, adapters, chargers, turbo jet kipas, gun urut, EV ngecas kabel, EV ngecas adapters, kitu ogé parabot imah kayaning kamar PTC pamanas, purifiers hawa jeung kipas listrik. . Portopolio produkna tiasa nyumponan kabutuhan parobihan konsumen di sakumna dunya. Salah sahiji sorotan produk Keliyuan nyaéta desain penampilan anu unik. Produk perusahaan ngagaduhan tampilan anu saé sareng modéren anu henteu ngan ukur ningkatkeun pangalaman pangguna sacara umum tapi ogé nambihan sentuhan kecanggihan kana ruang tamu mana waé. Produk ieu hasil ngarebut perhatian hadirin acara alatan fungsionalitas unggulan maranéhanana. Sajaba ti éta, sémah anu deeply impressed ku tingkat luhur téhnologi manufaktur Keliyuan urang. Komitmen perusahaan pikeun kualitas sareng inovasi dibuktikeun ku integrasi anu mulus tina téknologi canggih kana rentang produkna. Demonstrasi kaahlian ieu ngajamin konsumén poténsial ngeunaan réliabilitas sareng daya tahan produk.
“After receiving a warm welcome at the 134th Canton Fair, we are pleased to see the enthusiasm and interest our power supplies and home appliances products have generated among international visitors,” Sales Director of Keliyuan,Ms. Maria Tian said. “Our team works tirelessly to deliver products that not only meet our customers’ needs but exceed their expectations in terms of design, quality and functionality. We are confident that the success of this show will open up new avenues for us in the global market .” As a company committed to customer satisfaction, Keliyuan continues to prioritize innovation and premium quality in product development. With the great success and positive response of the 134th Canton Fair, Corinth is ready to expand its global footprint and become a leader in the power supply and home appliance industries. For more information about Keliyuan and its products, please visit [], or contact through “”.
waktos pos: Nov-01-2023